Fri 1 Oct 2010
Safe Journey and My New Armed Guard
Posted by JoyBreedlove under Current Update
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I’ve arrived safely to the mission compound here in Busia. It has been a beautiful day as I’ve traveled from Entebbe to Busia. I never tire of the beauty of this amazing country I am blessed to serve in. I’ve met lots of different people since coming to Africa, but tonight I said hello to my first armed guard! I am sitting here chuckling because it seems so strange that this could possibly be my life now yet, it is! I’m tired and need some sleep but I just couldn’t go to sleep without giving praise to the mighty God I serve!
When I first went out to meet Duncan I felt apprehensive. Seeing him standing at the gate with his gun on his shoulder didn’t put me at ease at all! But then he started talking to me and I stood there stunned at what he said. He told me that he had been informed that I requested a Christian guard and he wanted me to know that he was a ‘born again Cristian and shared his salvation experience with me. He told me about the years he served as a soldier and how one day he understood his need of God in his life. I truly didn’t know what to say, this is a man who guards people for a living and works for a company that employs people with all types of religious and other backgrounds and God made him available to guard me!
Peace overtook me as Duncan told me he considered it a great honor to guard a fellow believer! Yet, the most wonderful thing he said was that he wanted me to know he was here to guard and protect me, but more importantly he was trusting the Word of God that he carries in his pocket while he guards to protect us! He said that I might look out some time and see him with the flashlight and he wanted me to know he does it many times during the night, using the flashlight to read his bible! What a joy it was to tell him I had just brought commentaries and many other bible help books and he could use them!
Tonight I’m thinking of the little but powerful song my little granddaughter Sarah sings, MY GOD IS SO BIG, SO STRONG AND SO MIGHTY, THERES NOTHING MY GOD CANNOT DO! Although I was dreading the thoughts of having to have an armed guard, I now see that God knew exactly what He was doing and what I needed, it will be great to see what God is going to do next!
I have wonderful news to share about my grandson Caleb. On Wednesday evening while I was flying back to Africa, Caleb made the most important decision he will make in his lifetime, he surrendered his life to the Lord. My daughter wrote me a message to share this incredible news. She wrote, “Just wanted you to know that while you were as close to Heaven as we can get, flying back to Africa, your sweet little Caleb secured his spot there! Now just my little granddaughter Sarah who is 5 and my grandson Isaac, 3, are remaining to secure their spots as well, then all of my precious family will one day spend all of eternity together!
Thanks for all the prayers over the past few weeks, please don’t stop. We have team members in transit now and the rest will arrive next Thursday, which includes my son Bryan! God is doing some wonderful things all around me!
Love to all,
Joy Breedlove
Missionary-East Africa
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