Tue 6 Jul 2010
M&M’s and Mission Teams
Posted by JoyBreedlove under Current Update
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I think I could just post this picture with no details and those of you who know me well would understand how happy I was to receive a package from my daughter, Dana, which included M&M’s.
It’s been over 2 months now since I finished the last I brought with me. One thing is for sure, becoming a missionary makes the things you want so simple compared to all the things you wanted before. Simple, yet a great blessing. I am so excited that her and my son, Bryan are putting together a shipping tote of things to send me next week with the team coming from my home church Blackshear Place. Now, if they could just somehow figure out a way to stow themselves inside I would be one happy Momma!
Our first 2010 American team has arrived along with Dr Brenda and Dr Richard.
Tomorrow the second team arrives and next week two additional teams arrive. All in all we have along with me, Dr. Brenda and Dr. Richard a total of 45 people serving here in Busia Uganda during July. What a joy to be surrounded with Georgians! It’s been great to have others to talk to who understand all of what I say and to be able to understand what they are saying.
There won’t be much time for writing so I want to ask all of you to be in prayer for us throughout this month. We will be working here in our orphan school as well as the village orphan schools and bush churches. Just with the team that is here now, so much has already been completed in just a short amount of time. Things it would have taken me weeks to accomplish have been completed in a couple of days.
I truly understand now more than ever the importance of short term mission teams. Being the missionary here in the field and knowing firsthand how long it takes for the completion of projects, then experiencing the wonderful aid of a team really makes you appreciate every person who comes to serve.
As always I am very thankful for all of you who pray diligently for me and help support me financially. It is a privilege to represent the Lord and you as together we serve the people of East Africa.
Please continue to keep me in your prayers each and every day. Continue to pray for Gods perfect will in my life, for every step I take to be directed by Him. Pray that my life as a missionary will impact those who are coming short term to serve alongside me. Pray that in some way what God is doing in my life will help others to make decisions to surrender and serve in missions as well.
I am praying the prayer Jesus told us to pray in Matthew 9:36-38: When He (Jesus) saw the crowds, He had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Love to all,
Joy Breedlove
Missionary- East Africa
Hello! Is one of the teams you are referring to the Ambassador Team from Adventures in Missions from Gainesville, GA? I enjoyed reading your blog and will pray that God continues to direct your steps for Him.
Hello. I believe my daughter is over there now helping you out. Her name is Marissa and she also has been called to be a missionary in Africa. I know God is doing wonderful things over there! I can tell by how hard the devil tried to stop her from going on this trip. It’s ok, though, because our God is HUGE and can handle it. Anyway, I hope that group and the others are helping you tremendously. I know just from reading the little bit we’ve been able to from them, it is amazing for them. Thank you for the work you do and allowing God to work through you!
God Bless,
Julie Schley